Wednesday, 23 December 2015

1. Welcome to my journey! x

The world is compared to all sorts of things, oysters, stars, the true example of corruption, a temporary name it.

But this world is only 1% of the story.

1% of all the achievements you'll ever make, 1% of all the failures you'll ever be responsible for. 1% of the time you have.

This world is only a world for us as long as we exist upon it, and for the time we do, the bottom line is, we've got to make the most of it. 

It's not easy to forget of all the responsibilities, all the expectations, and culture and stereotypes and prejudice; it chokes you to inevitable failure.

And it's these things that account for our lack of achievement, and if you feel suffocated by the very things that kill me, you're not alone.

Because it kills everyone, and it will until we do something about it.

And I think I've got a plan.

I don't know what it is.
I don't know where it'll take me...but, all trust is with Allah (God).

Welcome to my journey, 

Maarz x

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