Sunday, 27 December 2015

3. You don't understand!


Hope you are all well in sha Allah.

When we are suffering some sort of pain or difficulty in our life, we believe ourselves to be the only ones in that type of pain; that others that have perhaps have gone through similar atrocities are not as worse off as you; that somehow the feelings are beyond explainable and even if someone understood how you felt, they can do nothing about it, unless they alleviated the pain or difficulty from the roots.

The basic principle is

"It's not how you think it is, you won't understand"

And it's true. our sufferings differentiate, and we do feel like no one understands us.
But that doesn't mean we are alone.

There is a huge difference between someone being able to sympathise and understand and someone being their for you.

But if something can create themselves to possess both these attributes....i mean what could be better than that.

And that is Allah swt.

He understand. He knows. He alleviates.

When things get unbearably difficult for me, to the extent that no human can help, salvation only lies in Allah.

It just makes sense to say. To know that there is a being that is watching the entire situation and even has the power to alter it when He chooses, wouldn't it be wise to ask Him swt for help?

For protection.
For love.
For help.
For sabr.

This message is to all of us including me...

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